
Celebrating National Aviation Day: A Conversation with Kayleigh Kirk, Spafax’s In-House Pilot and Metadata Expert

19 Aug 2024
10 minutes

On August 19, 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a proclamation that would forever link the history of human flight to the American consciousness. National Aviation Day was born to reflect upon the Wright brothers’ daring leaps into the unknown. It’s a day that reminds us of how far we’ve come, from the rickety biplanes of the early 20th century to today’s sophisticated, long-haul commercial airliners that connect our world in ways that would scarcely seem imaginable when Orville and Wilbur Wright first sustained human flight on December 17, 1903, near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

Today, in honor of #NationalAviationDay, we’re featuring the path to takeoff for @Kayleigh Kirk, a member of Spafax’s London office, who finds herself straddling two worlds, one with feet firmly on the ground, the other cruising above the clouds. We spoke with Kayleigh to learn more about her path to becoming a pilot, how it complements her work at Spafax, and her thoughts on the future of flying.

The Beginning of an Aviation Journey

Kayleigh’s love for flying began early. “My aviation journey began at age 14 when my parents bought me a trial flying lesson for my birthday,” she recalls, and that first hour in the sky was the beginning that remains with her today. Although it wasn’t until she was 31 that she decided to pursue her Private #Pilot License, the inspiration from other pilots and the sense of wonder from aviation technology never disappeared. “I’ve always been inspired by other pilots, particularly their confidence, skill, and professionalism. Watching an Airbus A380 lift off or a rescue helicopter hover with precision still amazes me.”

Balancing Passions

Balancing flying with a career at Spafax might seem daunting, but Kayleigh says it’s always doable to make time for what you love. “If you have a passion for something, you will always find a way to fit it into a busy schedule,” she says. Surprisingly, her role at Spafax and her experience as a pilot actually share some similarities. Both require intense focus, prioritization, and multitasking.

A Baptism of Fire

Kayleigh recalls that her first time flying solo was one of the most challenging parts of her pilot training. “All decision-making is suddenly your responsibility. You no longer have the safety net of your instructor, so it’s very much a baptism of fire,” she explains. It was an experience that was unnerving but also transformative. The confidence and decision-making skills she developed during the solo flights have also shaped and honed her approach to her work at Spafax.

Memorable Flights

Every flight is special in its own way, says Kayleigh, but two in particular stand  out. The first was her Skill Test, the final hurdle to acquiring a pilot’s license. “It was my most stressful flight to date,” she admits. Despite numerous distractions and challenging conditions, from her door popping open during the climb-out to the worst turbulence she had ever experienced in a light aircraft, she passed by, focusing on the task at hand, a lesson that also resonates in her professional life. Another cherished flight was taking her mother over the White Cliffs of Dover. “She’d been incredibly supportive throughout my training, so taking her up was a dream come true for both of us. It was a real joy to see the look on her face as she marveled at the incredible views from 3000 feet.”

If you have a passion for something, you will always find a way to fit it into a busy schedule.
Kayleigh Kirk

Breaking Barriers

As a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field, Kayleigh’s advice is straightforward: “Go for it! Don’t listen to anyone who says ‘women can’t do that!'” She also emphasizes the importance of support networks like the British Women Pilots’ Association (BWPA), which continue to offer her inspiration, confidence, and lifelong friendships. She says attitudes have changed for the better and continue to do so, something reflected in the increasing number of women pilots.

The Future of Flight

Kayleigh is particularly excited about the technological advances making flying more environmentally friendly. “It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come, from needing huge planes with multiple engines for long-haul flights to now regularly crossing the Atlantic with small twin-engine aircraft,” she notes. The rapid development of electric planes, which some of her peers are now learning to fly is also especially encouraging, she notes.

 Fueling the Passion

Another way Kayleigh maintains her passion for aviation by involving herself in organizations like the BWPA and the Honourable Company of Air Pilots. These communities offer her a chance to expand her knowledge, build confidence, and connect with like-minded individuals. She says she also deeply values this sense of community and support at Spafax. “I’m lucky enough to work with a fantastic group of supportive, good-humored, and talented individuals,” she says.

On this #NationalAviationDay, we celebrate Kayleigh’s dedication to her career and love of flying. Her story is a testament to the power of pursuing one’s passions and the incredible things that can happen when we do.

Happy National Aviation Day from all of us at Spafax!!